Welcome to BE Counseling

Where you and your wellbeing come first.

You have everything within yourself

to grow into the authentic, whole, and healed life you desire. Every transformation unfolds step by step. Take your first step today.

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You are the greatest constant you will ever have in your life.

Life can be difficult. Sometimes it is extremely painful and other times we may just feel stuck. Investing in yourself is a courageous decision. Whether you want to explore who you are, work through unwanted patterns and habits, or discover how to exist in a more fulfilling and free life, you don’t have to do it alone.


Knowing and being known. We are built for relationships.

Whether it is family, friendships, co-workers, or partners, relationships can go through hardship. We may feel disconnected at times, experience hurt, or we may simply want to enhance parts of our relationships. None of this has to be navigated in isolation - support and tools are available for you here.

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation to see if this is what you’re looking for.